three fingers pointing at one person in a harassing manner

Jersey City Harassment Charge Lawyer

Sometimes, disputes get heated between neighbors, friends, family members, and domestic partners. If the argument escalates, it may lead to harassment charges being filed against one or more parties. Suddenly, the dispute becomes a serious legal matter.

If you have been charged with harassment in Jersey City, you need to take your defense seriously. You could face consequences that go beyond paying a mere fine. You need to seek legal help right away from an experienced Jersey City harassment defense lawyer.

At William Proetta Criminal Law, we have the experience, skill, and sharp instincts it takes to protect your rights when you are facing a harassment charge in Jersey City. To discuss your case, contact us today for a free consultation with our Jersey City criminal defense attorneys.

What Is Considered Harassment Under New Jersey Law?

Harassment occurs when someone pressures or intimidates another person, physically or verbally. In New Jersey, this conduct can lead to criminal charges in a variety of situations. Under New Jersey’s harassment statute, N.J.S.A. 2C:33-4, you could be charged with harassment based on the following:

  • Alarming or annoying communications — When the communication is made at extremely inconvenient hours, in offensively coarse language, or any other matter likely to cause annoyance or alarm to the person receiving it.
  • Threats to strike — When someone threatens to strike, kick, shove, or engage in some form of offensive touching. The same conduct could lead to charges of aggravated or simple assault as well.
  • Repeated actions — When someone repeatedly commits acts for the purpose of alarming or seriously annoying another person or engages in some other course of alarming conduct.

These charges are often supported by evidence such as text messages, voice messages, call records, exchanges on social media apps, emails, and even home security and commercial surveillance camera footage. However, in some cases, witnesses may support allegations of harassment.

It is important to demand and comb through all the evidence that could be used against you at trial. In many cases, a key issue is whether the prosecution has proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the alleged acts were done with the intent to harass.

What Are the Potential Penalties for a Harassment Conviction?

If you are charged with harassment in Jersey City, your case will go through Municipal Court. It is considered a petty disorderly persons offense. If you are convicted, you could face a $500 fine and up to 30 days in jail. Of course, a conviction could have serious consequences for your job, housing, education, and reputation in the community.

Under some circumstances, harassment may be charged as an indictable offense or fourth-degree felony. For instance, the seriousness of the offense becomes elevated when the harassment allegedly occurs while a person is serving probation or parole. If you are convicted of a fourth-degree crime in New Jersey, you could face significant penalties, including a fine as high as $10,000 and up to 18 months of jail time.

In many cases, the alleged harassment serves as the basis for other charges or for a domestic violence restraining order.

Potential Defense Strategies for Individuals Facing Harassment Charges

Often, harassment charges in Jersey City do not go to trial. Instead, the cases are resolved through mediation or pretrial negotiations. However, it is important to prepare a defense as if the case will end up going to trial and to explore all potential defenses. In harassment cases, those defenses may include:

  • Lack of intent to harass—Even when the evidence establishes that a person did the acts that led to the harassment charge, it may not establish that the acts were done for the purpose of harassing someone.
  • Unreliable witness—The prosecution’s case may rest on testimony from a witness motivated to fabricate or exaggerate facts, which could cast serious doubt on the credibility of the harassment charge.
  • Self-defense or defense of others — Under some circumstances, the acts alleged to be harassment may have been done by a person to protect themselves or others under their care.
  • Police or prosecutorial misconduct — In some cases, charges are ultimately dismissed as a result of evidence being collected by the police or not disclosed by prosecutors in violation of a person’s constitutional rights.

How Our Jersey City Harassment Defense Lawyer Can Help You

Because it is a relatively “minor” criminal offense, some people may think it is not worth the cost to hire an attorney to represent them after they have been charged with harassment in Jersey City. However, the reality is that the costs to you could end up being much higher if you don’t seek help from an experienced Jersey City harassment defense lawyer. A criminal conviction can carry consequences that go beyond fines and incarceration. If you are found guilty of harassment, a criminal record could affect your job, your housing, your relationships, and your reputation in the community.

When you work with William Proetta Criminal Law, we can help you fight the harassment charges and fight for your future by:

  • Conducting a thorough investigation of the allegations in your case, including demanding all available evidence from the prosecution.
  • Performing research and identifying all potential defenses.
  • Providing honest advice about the strengths and weaknesses of the prosecution’s evidence, the potential penalties you face, and your available legal option
  • Negotiating aggressively with the prosecutor for a dismissal or reduction of your charges or some other type of plea bargain that meets your needs and goals.
  • Advocating for you skillfully in Municipal Court while drawing from our years of experience as criminal defense trial attorneys.

Get a Free and Confidential Consultation from Our Law Firm Today

The experience, skill, and peace of mind that a Jersey City criminal defense lawyer with a proven record of success can provide can make a world of difference in your case and your future.

If you were recently charged with harassment in Jersey City or a surrounding community, contact us today at William Proetta Criminal Law to discuss your case and learn more about how we can tailor a defense strategy for you. Our initial consultations are free and totally confidential.