NJ Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC)

A conviction for DWI in New Jersey carries many mandatory penalties that range from license suspension to even incarceration. One of the lesser known penalties is the mandatory requirement to attend and complete the Driver Resource Center, commonly referred to as “IDRC”. Each county in New Jersey has an IDRC center for residents to attend. For instance if you receive a DWI in Hudson County but live in Monmouth County, you will be able to attend the IDRC in Monmouth County. First time DWI offenders are normally sentenced to a 12 hour IDRC program that is held over two consecutive days for 6 hours each day, normally over a weekend. During the course you will educated about alcohol abuse and screened to see if you require any additional treatment. For a second offense, you can be sentenced to a 48 hour IDRC program in lieu of two days incarceration. During this program the 48 hours are served conservative and you are required to sleep at the facility. If you are sentenced as a third offender, the court may sentence you to jail or to an inpatient addictions treatment program or both. IDRC will schedule you to appear at the 12-hour IDRC for follow up. For second and third time DWI offenders, it is common that IDRC requires you participate in additional treatment or self help. No matter the circumstances, you must satisfy the program, fee, and treatment requirements of the IDRC. If you fail to complete the program requirements, your driver’s license will remain suspended and you could be sentenced to jail time.


The law and regulations for IDRC are contained in a subsection of the New Jersey DWI statute under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 which provides, in pertinent part:

f) These centers shall have the capability of serving as community treatment referral centers and as court monitors of a person’s compliance with the ordered treatment, service alternative or community service…All centers shall be required to develop individualized treatment plans for all persons attending the centers; provided that the duration of any ordered treatment or referral shall not exceed one year. It shall be the center’s responsibility to establish networks with the community alcohol and drug education, treatment and rehabilitation resources and to receive monthly reports from the referral agencies regarding a person’s participation and compliance with the program…Upon a person’s failure to report to the initial screening or any subsequent ordered referral, the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center shall promptly notify the sentencing court of the person’s failure to comply. Required detention periods at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Centers shall be determined according to the individual treatment classification assigned by the Intoxicated Driving Program Unit.