According to this article from nj.com, two women were arrested at Woodbridge Center Mall for trying to shoplift over $2000 worth of merchandise and clothes from Macy’s. According to the report, the loss prevention officer at Macy’s observed the women via video monitor try to remove and conceal the items before attempting to leave the store. The employee stopped the women, both in their early thirties, and called the police. They were arrested and held in Middlesex County jail with $50000 bail and no 10% option.
Shoplifting is a serious offense that is heavily prosecuted throughout New Jersey. Middlesex County prosecutes an unusually high number of shoplifting cases largely due the vast number shopping centers and malls throughout the region. Shoplifting may be a disorderly persons offense or an indictable offense depending upon the value of the items allegedly lifted from the store in question. In this case, each woman will be charged with shoplifting as a third degree indictable offense punishable by three to five years incarceration, probation, and steep fines.
For more information on Middlesex County shoplifting charges, feel free to browse our site or contact us at (732) 659-9600.