Year: 2019

Arrested for DUI in NJ – What are my Rights? DWI arrests are always a jarring event. You likely feel unfairly singled out, outraged, and incredibly inconvenienced. If you are under the influence when arrested, you may feel disoriented and scared. Either way, it is critical to remember your rights during the time leading up […]

Process Before Hudson County NJ Indictment New Jersey uses what is known as a grand jury process to bring its more serious criminal charges against accused individuals. The federal and state constitutions actually guarantee the right to a grand jury in certain situations. The grand jury process is designed to ensure that an impartial group […]

DUI Lawyer with Local Offices in Point Pleasant Explains Prosecuting DUI charges with a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) has become increasingly popular in New Jersey. Often, a DRE will not be able to specify what specific substance was used that impaired the person’s ability to drive. Instead, the officer will rely on a 12-step process to opine […]

Given that drugs like cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine are classified as illegal controlled dangerous substances under New Jersey law, no state or federal agency regulates these drugs for quality. There’s no real way for you to know exactly what a drug contains when buying from a dealer. In many cases, to increase profits, people selling […]

What’s Legal and What’s Not When It Comes to CBD and THC Possession in NJ THC and CBD are in the spotlight right now, both nationally and in New Jersey. CBD-infused products, from gummies to oils to vape products, are advertised across the state. However, many people do not fully understand the legality surrounding CBD, […]

Charged with Your First Offense in Union County, New Jersey? If you are arrested for a crime, serious traffic offense, or juvenile offense for the first time, the potential for a favorable outcome or reduced penalties is much greater than if you are a repeat offender. For example, one of the most notable benefits of […]

Rape Defense Attorneys in New Brunswick NJ The term “statutory rape” refers to sexual activity between two people, one of whom is under a state’s “age of consent.” Although a commonly used term, New Jersey does not have a specific criminal charge for statutory rape. With that being said, there are several criminal charges that […]

Getting a criminal or DWI conviction can result in a number of serious consequences. First, there are the immediate consequences, such as fines, jail or prison time, probation, the loss of your driver’s license for certain crimes, etc. But then there are longer-term consequences. You may lose the right to own firearms. You may be […]

Edison Third Degree Cocaine Charge Lawyers New Jersey has some of the toughest drug laws in the country on its books. These drug laws apply to you with full force if police find you in possession of cocaine, which is classified as a Controlled Dangerous Substance under New Jersey law and as a Schedule II […]

There are a surprisingly high number of laws criminalizing different types of theft in New Jersey. These laws have similarities and differences but in terms of the broadest way to distinguish theft charges, they fit into one of two categories: disorderly persons offenses and indictable offenses. There are key distinctions between how a disorderly persons […]