Author: William Proetta Criminal Law


If you’ve been charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in New Jersey, what you don’t know about a DWI could cost you in a major way. That’s because NJ DWI laws tend to be complicated and confusing, and there are a number of common fallacies about these types of offenses that can make it difficult […]

gavel law book

When a person is charged with a crime in New Jersey, there is a certain process that needs to be followed before the case goes to trial. A criminal complaint is sent to the county prosecutor’s office, and the prosecutor then decides whether to move forward with the charges. For most serious crimes charged at […]

traffic stop

In Many DWI Cases, the Best Defense Argument Is to Contest the Legality of the Traffic Stop That Preceded the Drunk Driving Arrest. If the police officer did not have a legitimate reason for stopping your car in the first place, then any evidence of your intoxication obtained thereafter could be deemed inadmissible at trial. […]

child in carseat

A DWI is serious enough, and comes with such severe penalties, that you don’t want to have to worry about other consequences. But there are certain circumstances in which your DWI charge could carry enhanced penalties and lead to even more devastating outcomes, including criminal charges and the loss of custody of your children. That’s […]

blood alcohol concentration

When a motorist is suspected of drunk driving in New Jersey, law enforcement will typically ask them to submit to a test which measures the driver’s blood alcohol concentration, or BAC. Police use a driver’s BAC to determine whether the driver is intoxicated. A person’s BAC is measured in volume of alcohol per liter of blood. If […]

court defendant

When it comes to pronouncing how much time, if any, a convicted person will spend in jail or prison, the judge presiding over a criminal case has wide latitude but not limitless discretion. Since the law provides a range of sentencing possibilities, including prison time, probation, parole, suspended sentence, community service, restitution, fees, and other […]


What Factors Help to Determine Your Sentence for a Crime in NJ When you are convicted of a crime in New Jersey, the judge typically imposes a sentence. This sentence can include prison or jail time, probation, fines, community service, and other punishments. When it comes to sentencing a defendant to prison or jail, the […]


When a New Jersey criminal case results in a guilty plea or conviction, that is not the end of the story. The case then proceeds to a sentencing phase. The sentencing phase typically involves an investigation and report to help the judge determine the most appropriate punishment for the defendant, and then a sentencing hearing […]

ankle bracelet

If you have been accused of a crime in New Jersey, the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that your actions fit the elements of the crime for a conviction. Once convicted, a judge pronounces your sentence, whether it be incarceration, payment of fees, a combination of the two, or something else like probation. […]

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Ocean County is one of the fastest-growing counties in New Jersey, with a population of more than 600,000 residents. Located on the Jersey Shore, Ocean County is a beautiful region that is also a popular area for tourists and other visitors to the state. Unfortunately, the influx of residents and visitors to Ocean County has […]