Author: William Proetta Criminal Law

Getting a criminal or DWI conviction can result in a number of serious consequences. First, there are the immediate consequences, such as fines, jail or prison time, probation, the loss of your driver’s license for certain crimes, etc. But then there are longer-term consequences. You may lose the right to own firearms. You may be […]

Edison Third Degree Cocaine Charge Lawyers New Jersey has some of the toughest drug laws in the country on its books. These drug laws apply to you with full force if police find you in possession of cocaine, which is classified as a Controlled Dangerous Substance under New Jersey law and as a Schedule II […]

There are a surprisingly high number of laws criminalizing different types of theft in New Jersey. These laws have similarities and differences but in terms of the broadest way to distinguish theft charges, they fit into one of two categories: disorderly persons offenses and indictable offenses. There are key distinctions between how a disorderly persons […]

What Is the Penalty for Theft in NJ? Theft can refer to any number of specific actions, as long as it fundamentally involves taking something that does not belong to you. The item taken must be something that you had no right or permission to take. Additionally, the State must prove that it was your […]

People are charged with shoplifting every day in New Jersey. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that the state takes these crimes lightly. In fact, New Jersey punishes shoplifting offenses harshly, with potential jail time and many other penalties. Unbeknownst to many, you can be charged with a serious, felony-level crime for stealing an item as common […]

Most people are unaware of their rights when responding to questions by police. Considering this, it is vitally important to understand the requirements for answering police questions in New Jersey. The following explores various scenarios in which you may be asked to answer questions by a law enforcement officer, including if you are stopped at […]

Traffic stops are the number one reason you are likely to run into police in your everyday life, according to the United States Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics. It is not surprising considering then that traffic stops are one of the most common reasons that people end up getting arrested in New Jersey. Typical […]

Disorderly conduct is one of the most commonly charged crimes in New Jersey. This article answers several frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) about disorderly conduct. Our criminal defense lawyers explain some common reasons why disorderly conduct is charged, the type of crime disorderly conduct is considered in NJ, whether disorderly conduct charges can be dropped, and […]

It is very common for people to be subject to orders from a court in New Jersey. But what happens if you fail to meet the court’s requirements? Here’s what you need to know about court orders and violations of court orders in New Jersey. If you are facing contempt charges, have received a probation […]

What Kind of Offense Is a Dui in NJ? Thanks to PSAs, radio ads, television spots, billboards, and other announcements, most people are aware that driving while intoxicated is against the law throughout the United States, including in New Jersey. But what type of crime is a DWI? New Jersey has an idiosyncratic system for […]