Author: William Proetta Criminal Law

You’ve undoubtedly seen and heard it before. Police arrest a suspect for a crime. We all know the words that come next. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you. But what happens if a police officer fails to read you your rights in New Jersey? People charged […]

Almost all of us have friends or acquaintances who take recreational drugs like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, and ecstasy in some form or another. Say one of these friends offers you a ride home and they have a stash of drugs in their car. You get pulled over. The police find the drugs. Can you be charged and […]

They say that no good deed goes unpunished. This can certainly be true in New Jersey if you do a favor for a friend and loan her or him your car, only to later find out that your friend was driving without a valid license. You can be convicted of a traffic offense carrying stiff […]

If you are not a citizen of the United States, and you are arrested and charged with a criminal offense in New Jersey, you may be facing profound and potentially life-altering immigration consequences. This is a complicated area of law that is constantly developing as new state and federal court decisions and regulations are issued. […]

Warrant Defense Lawyers in Middlesex County, New Jersey Learning that you have a warrant out for your arrest can come as a shock, and it happens more frequently than you might think. If you believe that a warrant has been issued for you, or you recently found out about an outstanding warrant, you should know […]

Many police departments have been relying on cameras mounted on the dashboards of their police cruisers, also known as police dash cams, in New Jersey for years. These devices can be used to document evidence of crimes, capture the physical appearance of suspects, record statements made by both the officer and the person, and generally […]

New Jersey law enforcement agencies aggressively investigate and prosecute sex crimes committed over the internet. The penalties for these crimes can be incredibly severe. This article delves into several internet sex crimes commonly charged in the New Jersey and the potential consequences you might face if you convicted. If you have been charged with a […]

New Jersey prohibits the possession, manufacture, and distribution of controlled dangerous substances. These substances include Schedule I drugs like heroin and methamphetamine, along with some illegally obtained prescription drugs like oxycontin. Drug charges are punished severely in the New Jersey. Fortunately, first-time drug offenders have several options that are not available to people who have been previously convicted of […]

Is a Juvenile Criminal Case the Same as an Adult Criminal Case? There are significant differences between a juvenile and adult criminal case in New Jersey. If you or your child has a pending juvenile criminal matter, it is important to understand some of the most striking differences between the two systems. If you are […]

If you have been arrested for driving while intoxicated in New Jersey, you likely have a burning question on your mind: am I going to jail? Since the penalties associated with a first time, second time, and third time DWI conviction are different, the circumstances of your case go a long way toward determining your jail exposure. […]