Author: William Proetta Criminal Law

Court gavel with books, closeup

Criminal law differs from civil law and popular television legal dramas in at least one critical way: there aren’t supposed to be any surprises in a criminal trial. Prosecutors have an obligation under federal law to turn over all exculpatory evidence in their possession to the defense, and, under several New Jersey state rules, prosecutors […]

Judge's gavel hitting the block with MUNICIPAL COURT inscription. 3D rendering

Have a Case in Municipal Court in Hudson County? Among New Jersey Criminal Courts, Municipal Courts are the most common courts that citizens will ever appear before, either as a witness, a victim, or a defendant. Municipal courts handle a high volume of the most common types of cases in New Jersey, including parking and traffic […]

lab supplies

A prosecutor’s ability to prove several charges in New Jersey, including driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and being under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance, often depend on the accuracy of laboratory results. Issues that may arise with the accuracy of these lab results may provide you with a defense in your criminal […]

Hand Filling Criminal Background Check Application Form

A new law dealing with criminal expungement in New Jersey took effect on October 1, 2018. “Expungement” is the removal of all records from a court file, correctional or detention facility file, or law enforcement agency file regarding your arrest, trial, conviction, or other disposition of your criminal offense. Many people who have suffered one […]

Truth red stamp text

Have you been charged with harassment? Are you concerned about what could happen or how you can defend your case? The experienced attorneys at our Ocean County defense firm can help. If you have been charged with harassment, it is likely that someone you know told the police or the court that you made unwanted […]

Medical report and test containers to an analytical study

Have you been arrested and the police say they have a lab report? Do you understand what it means and how it can be used against you? Our experienced criminal defense lawyers can help explain and review your case to determine if there have been any irregularities or issues with the lab reports. Here is […]


Have you been charged with an offense such as a DUI and the prosecutor will not provide discovery no matter how many times you ask? Do you continue to miss work for court and nothing gets resolved? There is a solution. It’s called a Holup motion and our experienced DUI defense attorneys use it to […]

In the late evening of Thursday, February 21 and into the early morning of Friday, February 22, police officers in Ocean County executed a raid on multiple residences expected to be involved in drug distribution. Specifically, the Seaside Heights Police Department executed a raid on four (4) houses and arrested seventeen (17) individuals on drugs possession […]

electronic cigarette on dark blue background

The CDC has reported that the number of high school students using e-cigarettes and other tobacco products has increased dramatically in the past year. New Jersey, like other states, is seeing a major spike in vape pens and associated criminal charges. Believe it or not, you can face serious penalties for selling tobacco and alcohol […]


Anyone can be arrested for sexual assault in New Jersey, even the last people you would suspect like priests and massage therapists. Recently, numerous reports have surfaced about massage therapists who are being accused of sexual assault and other sex crimes in NJ. As a dedicated team of defense lawyers for sex crimes and other charges, […]