Author: William Proetta Criminal Law

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States throughout the U.S. offer compensation to crime victims and those who survive them, and New Jersey is no exception. The N.J. Crime Victim Compensation Program is administered by the state attorney general, and it pays out millions in compensation to crime victims every year. In 2017, the program paid out an estimated $8.3 million to victims […]

Arrest handcuffs

Thousands of people each year are arrested for drug offenses in New Jersey, and many of these arrests occur in Ocean County. The legal circumstances surrounding drug arrests can be complicated and unique, leaving you with many questions when facing drug charges. Here are answers to some of the most common questions we are asked as […]

driving on drugs

New Jersey law makes it illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If police suspect that you are driving impaired by a drug, they have a series of steps that they will use to try to prove it. Knowing police procedure when dealing with people suspected of DUI is very important when […]

can you prove it

In New Jersey, restraining orders restrict one person’s ability to come within a certain distance of another person for a set period of time. Restraining orders also typically restrict the restrained person from going to the home or workplace of the person protected by the order. Restraining orders are often sought in cases involving domestic abuse or sexual […]

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New Jersey does not rely on the common misdemeanor versus felony classifications for criminal offenses commonly used in other states, and people can be confused by the criminal offense classifications that New Jersey does use. One of the most common questions we get asked as criminal defense lawyers in NJ is: what is an ordinance […]

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How to Prepare for Central Judicial Processing in Hudson County NJ Crimes in New Jersey are categorized in two main categories: disorderly persons offenses (similar to misdemeanors in other states) and indictable offenses (similar to felonies in other jurisdictions). If you are charged with the more serious of these types of offenses, known as an indictable offense, […]


What are the Possible Outcomes of a Third Degree Drug Charge in New Jersey? Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, a violation of NJSA 2C:35-10, is one of the most common criminal charges in Union County and New Jersey. Possession of drugs like meth, heroin, cocaine, and prescription drugs are generally charged as a third-degree indictable offense in New […]

Doctor with RX prescription

Is it Illegal to Drive on Prescriptions in NJ? When most people hear the phrases “driving under the influence” or “driving while impaired,” they think of alcohol. Most New Jersey residents know that they should not drive with a .08 or more blood alcohol concentration. Others know that it’s also illegal to drive while under […]

person driving

Arrested for DUI on Heroin in Union County, NJ? New Jersey law makes it illegal to drive under the influence of not only alcohol, but drugs as well. You can be arrested for driving under the influence of meth, cocaine, marijuana, Xanax, and heroin—among other habit-forming drugs—if the drug renders you unable to drive as well as a […]

Police criminal record with man and woman , flat design

Following a conviction and even after an unsuccessful appeal, our Ocean County criminal defense firm receives many inquiries from new clients seeking information about how they can get the record expunged from their criminal background. If you meet the requirements, expungement allows you to have an arrest or conviction removed from your criminal record, so […]