Author: William Proetta Criminal Law

Unsafe lane change is a common occurrence on New Jersey roadways, sometimes leading to accidents between vehicles or single car crashes where a driver accidentally hits something when crossing between lanes. Even if they do not get in an accident, they can still be in trouble. A police officer can stop a driver for changing lanes without […]

For DUI offenses, New Jersey law formerly prohibited a judge from reducing a sentence until 2008 when the law changed. In 2008, however, case law introduced the “step down” rule for DWI offenses. What is the NJ 10-Year Step Down Rule? The rule’s effect is to lessen the severity of punishment when a ten-year interval […]

College students have a hard enough time when they are at school trying to study and navigate living on their own for the first time, so it’s to be expected that they will want to relax and “let loose” when they return home for winter break. But sometimes things can go terribly wrong, and the […]

The late fall and early winter months mean that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s are on the way, and it’s time for holiday celebrations. Unfortunately, this also means that police in Hoboken, Jersey City, and elsewhere in New Jersey are also getting ready to make arrests. The truth is that law enforcement sees a significant […]

During the Time Surrounding Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, Police in New Jersey Are on High Alert for Potential Drunk Drivers, Especially in Jersey Shore Towns. Drunk driving is a year-round focus for New Jersey law enforcement, but they tend to place an even greater emphasis on DWI arrests during the holidays, and specifically on […]

You Could Face Severe Penalties if You Fail to Install an Ignition Interlock Device in Your Car, Tamper With, or Attempt to Drive Without the Interlock in New Jersey. New Jersey drunk driving laws carry a number of different penalties that can make life difficult for convicted DWI offenders. If you are convicted or plead […]

Anyone who is arrested for a drug offense in New Jersey needs to have a qualified criminal defense attorney on their side because many of these offenses can result in considerable jail or prison time, especially if the charge is for distribution of a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) such as heroin, cocaine, or prescription drugs. […]

Around holidays and on weekends, officers are busy policing drunk drivers when the number of DWI and DUI offenses increases. When they arrest and charge someone with driving under the influence in New Jersey, the state is required to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict the defendant of the DWI charges. What […]

You sit down with a friend to lunch at a restaurant and sit outside on the patio. The two of you catch up on the latest in your lives, including your divorce and custody battle. You confide in your friend that your children do not want to visit with their father. You further disclose that […]

Did police fail to read you your rights? Union County lawyers discuss Miranda requirements and what you can do if you have been charged with a crime and not mirandized. Everyone has certain constitutional rights – even, and perhaps especially, when they are arrested. For example, every U.S. citizen has the right not to incriminate […]