Author: William Proetta Criminal Law
While New Jersey law makes a distinction between deadly weapons like handguns, shotguns, and rifles, and what some people would consider recreational “toy” guns like airsoft guns, BB guns, or paintball guns, these later three are still classified as “firearms” under N.J.S.A. 2C:39-1. This includes electric airsoft guns, gas airsoft guns, spring-powered airsoft guns, pump paintball guns, […]

Can a Road Rage Incident Lead to Criminal Charges in New Jersey? It is not uncommon to hear about a dispute between two drivers that rapidly escalates to violence. Some people have a tendency to become angry more quickly while on the road than in any other context of their life, and they use the […]

Facing Eluding Charges in Union County, NJ You can be charged with eluding in Union County or anywhere else in New Jersey if you knowingly attempt to flee or elude a police officer in a motor vehicle. So, if you see flashing police lights behind you, pull over. Your problems will catch up to you and be […]
Charged after Being Pulled Over, Is the Video Evidence a Possible Defense? Police dashcam footage can be a blessing or a curse for your criminal case, depending on what the video depicts. If you have recently been arrested for a criminal or traffic offense in Ocean County, New Jersey, like eluding police, resisting arrest, aggravated assault […]

Conditional Discharge and Pre-trial Intervention (PTI) are two different types of diversionary programs available in New Jersey. The two programs differ in their requirements for eligibility, but function very similarly. If you’ve been charged with a crime in Middlesex County or anywhere else in New Jersey, these programs can be very valuable options, but are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. […]

If you have been charged with driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs in New Jersey, the opinion of a drug recognition expert (DRE) will be very important to your lawyer in determining the strength of the prosecution’s case against you and the potential defenses that may be used to have your charges dismissed. When facing DUI […]

Our Middlesex County criminal attorneys recently defended a client who was charged with burglary under 2C:18-2a, conspiracy to commit the burglary under 2C:5-2a(1) and employing a juvenile in the commission of a crime under 2C:24-9a. The charges arose out of an incident involving our client and two other friends after they conspired to break into their […]

Defending Clients Against Money Laundering in New Jersey Our office recently represented a client who had been arrested for 3rd degree money laundering in Middlesex County, New Jersey. The background of the case is pretty interesting and these facts are something we are seeing more and more these days, often leading to innocent people being charged with […]
Most people go down the jersey shore for a good time. For some people that means going down to Seaside Heights or Point Pleasant for a nice day on the boardwalk with the family. However, it has also become a popular destination for many others who travel to the shore for the weekend to party […]

Stopped for Suspected DWI in Union County, NJ Stretching over 105 square miles, Union County, New Jersey is an expansive county that over 536,000 people call home. Encompassing natural preserves and cities alike, the county has over 1,400 miles of roadways, including Route 22, the New Jersey Turnpike (I-95), the Garden State Parkway, Interstates 78 […]