Author: William Proetta Criminal Law

gun free school zone

If You’re Facing Charges for a Gun Crime in Jersey City, NJ, Contact Experienced Gun Defense Lawyer William a. Proetta at (201) 793-8018 for Immediate Assistance. Although gun violence in Jersey City, NJ has declined by 27 percent since this same time last year, a recent increase of shootings in Jersey City has caused concern and led […]


Charged With a Crime in North Brunswick, NJ? Call (732) 659-9600 for a Free Consultation With an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer Right Away. A recent case exemplifies that slew of criminal charges that can result from a single incident in New Jersey. Late last Wednesday night, three men were arrested after robbing a warehouse in North Brunswick, NJ. […]

linden police

Arrested for Drugs in Linden, New Jersey? Call Our Linden Drug Possession Attorneys at (908) 838-0150 for a Free Consultation About Your Case. Charges for possession of CDS can happen to anyone. Recently, ex-Mets player Lenny Dykstra was arrested outside the Linden Police Headquarters in Linden, New Jersey after his Uber driver drove to the station, fearing […]

traffic stop

Old Bridge NJ Driving While Revoked Attorney A ticket for driving while suspended has the possibility of getting very nasty with up to a 6 month loss of license, mandatory jail time for subsequent offenses and surcharges that can last for years. This is why many defendants opt to hire a driving while suspended lawyer to handle […]

Dancing people

You were at a bar, had one drink too many—or more, and were asked to leave, but refused. In the light of day, you may regret some of those choices, particularly if you have been charged with one or more criminal offenses. Hopefully, you’re reading this article before you find yourself in that situation and […]

Alcohol Drunk Effect

Facing Charges After a House Party in New Jersey? The last thing you want or expect when hosting a house party is to have a neighbor call the police to complain or end up with a criminal charge against you. Whether you are hosting your own party or opening your home for your another person’s […]


In New Jersey, if you are charged with a drug crime for intent to distribute, you are facing charges for an indictable offense, which has significant penalties if you are found guilty. Depending on the CDS (controlled dangerous substance) involved in your case, the consequences vary. For instance, a charge for intent to distribute marijuana is graded differently than […]

restraining order

A restraining order can be an effective tool to protect yourself from domestic violence in New Jersey. Contrary to what many people believe, you cannot get a restraining order in every circumstance where you fear for your safety. Under New Jersey law, you can only file a restraining order if you qualify as a victim […]


At William Proetta Criminal Law we handle a lot of DWI charges in Middlesex County, New Jersey and throughout the state every year. Surprisingly we are able to resolve a large portion of these as dismissals or downgrades without the necessity of a trial. However, occasionally litigation is unavoidable and we don’t hesitate to bring a […]

Arrested for DWI at a Sobriety Checkpoint in Ocean County? Most people know that driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense in New Jersey. If you operate a motor vehicle and your blood alcohol content (BAC) is at or above the legal limit, you are at risk of being arrested and charged with DUI. There are […]