Category: Criminal Case Issues

For any acts that prevent an officer from making an arrest or conducting police work, state law, local law, and other related laws may pertain to the same actions, compounding penalties. In New Jersey, interfering with police work can come in many forms, though typically not by mere words. So, when you witness an arrest […]

If convicted for common legal violations, like illegally possessing drugs, disorderly conduct, criminal mischief, simple assault, theft, or shoplifting, you may be eligible for probation, an alternative to incarceration. Since criminal activity involving drugs, stealing, fraud, disruptive behavior, and many others are charged as petty and disorderly persons offenses, third degree crimes, and fourth degree offenses, the prosecutor and the judge may […]

New Jersey Criminal Cases Can Be Used Against You in Child Custody Decisions Going through a divorce can be extremely stressful for the spouses, especially when there are children involved. In fact, child custody is usually one of the most important issues in any divorce proceeding because the parents don’t want to lose the opportunity […]

Extreme Risk Protective Order Attorney in Ocean County, NJ The right to bear arms is protected by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, but there are limitations and restrictions on this right in certain circumstances. One such example is extreme risk protective orders in New Jersey, referred to in the public discourse as red […]

In the eyes of the law in New Jersey, not all prisoners are alike. True, they all serve time for criminal convictions, but the variability of crimes, circumstances, criminal history, and individual characteristics means not everyone in prison is seen in the same way. In essence, the state operates such that public safety concerns are […]

Failed to Appear in Court in Middlesex County NJ? One of the biggest mistakes that a person can make when it comes to the New Jersey legal system is erroneously believing that they do not have to go to court for a scheduled proceeding. Failure to appear in court in NJ is a very big […]

Union County, with its 21 municipalities, covers an important part of New Jersey and is intersected by 14 different major highways coming in, out, and across the state from nearby counties. It is also adorned by eight waterways, including Elizabeth and Rahway Rivers, along which sprawl the county’s dozens of parks and greenbelts. The county […]

Although most people tend to think of arrest warrants as only applying in the most serious criminal cases, such as murder, sexual assault, or a crime involving the use of a gun, the reality is that there are many situations in which a warrant can be issued for someone’s arrest. Of course, there are still rules in […]

Presumption of Incarceration, Non-Incarceration, Evidence and their Impact on Criminal Charges in Ocean County, NJ In New Jersey’s criminal statutes, the legislature included legal presumptions regarding sentencing and admitting evidence of a crime to the courts. The sentencing presumptions pertain to incarceration, while the evidentiary presumptions pertain to the evidence a prosecutor must provide as […]

What Is New Jersey’s Drug Court Program and What Can It Do for My Case? For a long time, New Jersey had some of the toughest drug crime laws in the country, and defendants in drug cases often suffered the consequences with long prison sentences. However, over time, authorities realized that a better way to […]