Category: Criminal Case Issues

Criminal Defense Attorneys Explain Benefits and Options with Plea Negotiations for Ocean County Criminal Charges If you’ve been charged with a crime in New Jersey, having a qualified criminal defense lawyer to negotiate a plea deal on your behalf may be your best chance to avoid the most severe penalties and stay out of jail. […]

So You Have Been Charged With a Crime in New Jersey, Could Probation Be an Option for Your Case? Anytime a person is charged with a crime in New Jersey, they have to be worried that they will be required to serve time in jail or prison. This is especially true when the person has […]

Since 2014, New Jersey has offered the conditional dismissal diversionary program in municipal courts. Like its sister program in the Superior Court, the Pre-Trial Intervention Program, the conditional dismissal option for eligible defendants forgoes conviction in lieu of a conditional period of probation. For those accused of disorderly persons and petty disorderly persons offenses, it […]

When a person is convicted of a serious crime in New Jersey, there is a very real possibility that they will be sentenced to prison. This can have a devastating effect on their life and their future, as well as the lives of their immediate family members and loved ones, especially if it is a […]

Not every criminal offense necessarily leads to a conviction or jail sentence. Consider the options you may have to resolve your misdemeanor or felony case. Statistics show that the prison population in New Jersey and throughout the country has reached an all-time high, with more people than ever being convicted in criminal courts and then punished with […]

When it comes to pronouncing how much time, if any, a convicted person will spend in jail or prison, the judge presiding over a criminal case has wide latitude but not limitless discretion. Since the law provides a range of sentencing possibilities, including prison time, probation, parole, suspended sentence, community service, restitution, fees, and other […]

What Factors Help to Determine Your Sentence for a Crime in NJ When you are convicted of a crime in New Jersey, the judge typically imposes a sentence. This sentence can include prison or jail time, probation, fines, community service, and other punishments. When it comes to sentencing a defendant to prison or jail, the […]

Accused Being Drunk in Public at the Jersey Shore? People often come to us asking whether public drunkenness is a crime in New Jersey. The simple answer is no, it is not a crime to be intoxicated in public. Gathering, having a good time, and drinking is not a criminal offense in and of itself […]

A multitude of criminal offenses ranging from assault, to sexual assault, to robbery in New Jersey require the state to prove that you possessed some intent when committing a crime. However, offenses known as strict liability crimes allow the court to reach a guilty finding by the prosecution merely showing that you committed the act itself. In […]

The term “intent” in a criminal case is meant to describe what an accused person’s purpose is in committing certain acts or crime. In the majority of scenarios involving someone facing criminal charges in New Jersey, you cannot be found guilty without possessing the requisite mental state. Moreover, there are specific ways and forms of […]