Category: Criminal Case Issues

Mens Rea: What it Means and Why it Matters when Charged with a Crime in NJ Anyone charged with a crime in the United States is “innocent until proven guilty.” We have all heard this phrase thrown around hundreds of times. But what does it really mean to be proven guilty? In New Jersey, to […]

People in the criminal system often use the word “downgrade.” The definition of the term downgrade can take on slight variations depending on who is using it and what he or she is referring to. Generally, downgrading charges includes reducing the degree of the charge. For some, it can mean a reduction from a higher […]

Charged with Your First Offense in Union County, New Jersey? If you are arrested for a crime, serious traffic offense, or juvenile offense for the first time, the potential for a favorable outcome or reduced penalties is much greater than if you are a repeat offender. For example, one of the most notable benefits of […]

Getting a criminal or DWI conviction can result in a number of serious consequences. First, there are the immediate consequences, such as fines, jail or prison time, probation, the loss of your driver’s license for certain crimes, etc. But then there are longer-term consequences. You may lose the right to own firearms. You may be […]

Most people are unaware of their rights when responding to questions by police. Considering this, it is vitally important to understand the requirements for answering police questions in New Jersey. The following explores various scenarios in which you may be asked to answer questions by a law enforcement officer, including if you are stopped at […]

Traffic stops are the number one reason you are likely to run into police in your everyday life, according to the United States Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics. It is not surprising considering then that traffic stops are one of the most common reasons that people end up getting arrested in New Jersey. Typical […]

It is very common for people to be subject to orders from a court in New Jersey. But what happens if you fail to meet the court’s requirements? Here’s what you need to know about court orders and violations of court orders in New Jersey. If you are facing contempt charges, have received a probation […]

Virtually everyone wants to avoid being pulled over by the police, much less arrested at a traffic stop. Traffic stops are stressful, not only due to the fear of receiving an expensive traffic ticket and potentially being forced to appear in court, but also because you run the risk of an officer suspecting more than just a […]

Need a Lawyer for Vape with Marijuana or THC Charges in Ocean County? Call now. It has been almost impossible to miss the headlines regarding vaping and related illnesses in recent weeks. There have been news reports about vaping-related deaths and diseases occurring in almost every state from summer to fall 2019. According to a […]

Edison Violation of Probation Lawyer If you have been placed on probation for a crime in Middlesex County or anywhere else in New Jersey, there are things you need to know. Probation can seem like a gift in lieu of jail, but there are serious consequences should you violate your probation. In this article, we […]