Category: Criminal Case Issues


Everyone dreads being arrested, but if you are not a United States citizen, an arrest can go from an inconvenience to a life-altering event. Arrests and resulting convictions on certain charges can threaten your immigration status and even lead to removal proceedings or deportation in New Jersey. The federal government has recently stepped up enforcement efforts in […]

probation text buffered

Supervised Vs. Unsupervised Probation in NJ If you have been convicted of a criminal offense in New Jersey or taken advantage of a pretrial diversion program like Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) or Drug Court, there’s a good chance that the court will place you on some form of probation instead of ordering you to serve jail or prison time. […]


New Brunswick Noise Complaint Criminal Charge Attorneys House parties are popular throughout New Jersey, especially in New Brunswick in the houses on and around Rutgers University Campus. As we all know, if they run late, they tend to anger neighbors who may have work the next morning or simply don’t like a bunch of people making noise […]

Lady Justice Statue

If you are arrested for a crime in New Jersey and the state subsequently files charges against you, finding and retaining proper legal representation can make the difference between a devastating outcome and a manageable one. In some cases, particularly if some of the facts of your case are favorable to you and give rise […]


How Cases are Handled in NJ Municipal Court In New Jersey, disorderly persons offenses (similar to misdemeanor offenses in other states) and traffic offenses are tried in municipal courts. A municipal court has local jurisdiction over cases that arise from acts committed in the township, city, or other community where the municipal court is located. Municipal courts […]

text on the pavement denots a school crossing.

Arrested in a School Zone in NJ, Is it Worse? New Jersey law is highly protective of schools and schoolchildren. As a result, if you are convicted of certain crimes committed in close proximity to school property—an area known as a “school zone”—the penalties that you face are often much harsher than the penalties you […]

porch piracy

You’ve undoubtedly seen and heard it before. Police arrest a suspect for a crime. We all know the words that come next. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you. But what happens if a police officer fails to read you your rights in New Jersey? People charged […]


If you are not a citizen of the United States, and you are arrested and charged with a criminal offense in New Jersey, you may be facing profound and potentially life-altering immigration consequences. This is a complicated area of law that is constantly developing as new state and federal court decisions and regulations are issued. […]

hands with handcuffs lying on top of fingerprint sheets.

Warrant Defense Lawyers in Middlesex County, New Jersey Learning that you have a warrant out for your arrest can come as a shock, and it happens more frequently than you might think. If you believe that a warrant has been issued for you, or you recently found out about an outstanding warrant, you should know […]

evidence for bail hearing

New Jersey eliminated the cash bail system and implemented a new pretrial detention system in January 2017. Under the new system, the state has the burden of making a motion that establishes, by clear and convincing evidence, that you should remain in jail leading up to your trial. If the state fails to meet this […]