Category: Criminal Case Issues


New Jersey offers a number of programs designed to help certain qualifying criminal defendants avoid a costly and potentially life-altering criminal conviction. These programs are broadly referred to as diversionary programs. If you have been charged with a crime in New Jersey, you should know about all of your legal options, especially those that may […]


The New Jersey Constitution mirrors the United States Constitution in guaranteeing a citizen’s right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. Police departments have been criticized in recent years for stopping citizens on the street and searching them without a warrant. In fact, a federal judge recently held that the NYPD’s “stop and frisk” […]

tow truck

Having your car towed is a horrible position to be in, especially when it happens because you are being arrested. If police impounded your vehicle while arresting you in New Jersey, it is important to know when and why law enforcement is allowed to do this under the law. This article examines the circumstances that […]


Like many states, New Jersey classifies criminal charges into various types based on the perceived severity of the crime. While other states use the terms “felonies” and “misdemeanors,” New Jersey describes similar crimes as “indictable crimes,” “disorderly persons offenses,” and “petty disorderly persons offenses.” An “indictable crime” is similar to a felony in other states. […]


Facing criminal charges in New Jersey can be devastating, but under the right circumstances, you may be able to negotiate your way out of the some of the harshest potential penalties. A skilled criminal defense attorney, or a set of facts that are particularly favorable to you, can motivate a prosecutor to offer you a […]


Drug overdose deaths are climbing at an alarming rate in New Jersey. There were 2,221 drug-related deaths in the state in 2016. In 2019, over 3,118 New Jersey residents died from overdoses. 150 of those deaths occurred in Union County, up from 98 deaths in the county two years prior. A number of Union County […]

Businessman with magnifying glass reading documents

Evidence Against You for a Criminal Charge in Middlesex County New Jersey state and Federal Law require prosecutors to provide criminal defendants with certain documentary evidence, the names of potential witnesses, and other relevant information and physical evidence related to the criminal charges filed against those defendants as the criminal case winds its way through […]

Plea Agreement concept

If you have been arrested for a crime such as robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, unlawful possession of a weapon, heroin distribution, or another indictable offense, you may be wondering what happens next and if you have to plead guilty. After you have been arrested, the police may book you and release you within a short period of time or hold […]

Magnifying glass in hand on calendar you can look Thirty one day

Have a Court Date for a Criminal Charge in New Jersey? Here’s Why You Need to Appear Appearing for a court date can be a tremendous challenge. You may have to arrange transportation to a courthouse located some distance away from you. You may have to take time off work, arrange childcare, or wait in […]

Judge's gavel and books on blurred building background

New Jersey does not rely on the common misdemeanor versus felony classifications for criminal offenses commonly used in other states, and people can be confused by the criminal offense classifications that New Jersey does use. One of the most common questions we get asked as criminal defense lawyers in NJ is: what is an ordinance […]