Category: Criminal Process

When a New Jersey criminal case results in a guilty plea or conviction, that is not the end of the story. The case then proceeds to a sentencing phase. The sentencing phase typically involves an investigation and report to help the judge determine the most appropriate punishment for the defendant, and then a sentencing hearing […]

If you have been accused of a crime in New Jersey, the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that your actions fit the elements of the crime for a conviction. Once convicted, a judge pronounces your sentence, whether it be incarceration, payment of fees, a combination of the two, or something else like probation. […]

What Happens with the Criminal Process in Middlesex County NJ? Unless you are in the legal profession, what happens to people after they are arrested probably never crosses your mind. But say you have been arrested for an indictable crime, meaning a fourth, third, second, or first degree crime. Wondering what happens after you are […]

Toms River Warrant Defense Lawyers Anyone who has a warrant for their arrest in Ocean County, New Jersey should retain an attorney. Waiting or ignoring the fact that there is a warrant for your arrest will only lead to stress, complications, and perhaps even unwanted incarceration. Ignorance of the warrant is not a defense in […]

Process Before Hudson County NJ Indictment New Jersey uses what is known as a grand jury process to bring its more serious criminal charges against accused individuals. The federal and state constitutions actually guarantee the right to a grand jury in certain situations. The grand jury process is designed to ensure that an impartial group […]

Have to go to Central Judicial Processing, What is It? Central Judicial Processing (CJP court) occurs when anyone in the State of New Jersey has been charged with an indictable offense. CJP court is your first appearance in court after you have been charged with an offense that is essentially the equivalent of a felony in […]

An “arrest” occurs when anyone in the state of New Jersey has been charged with a criminal offense. Your case begins with the arrest and will continue through one or more appearances in court at a later date. Under New Jersey law, there are certain steps that the police, prosecutors, and courts take when processing […]

Cases heard in municipal court are either motor vehicle tickets (including DWI offenses), disorderly persons or petty disorderly persons offenses in New Jersey. Aside from traffic violations, the offenses in municipal court are often referred to as “quasi-criminal,” as the penal consequences are less serious than indictable/felony crimes. Nonetheless, those with charges in municipal court are still entitled to […]

If you are arrested for a crime in New Jersey and the state subsequently files charges against you, finding and retaining proper legal representation can make the difference between a devastating outcome and a manageable one. In some cases, particularly if some of the facts of your case are favorable to you and give rise […]

Residents of New Jersey are constrained by at least two different sets of laws: federal law and state law. The consequences of committing a criminal offense and the legal process applicable to the criminal prosecution you will face can vary dramatically depending on whether you allegedly violated federal or state laws. Our experienced Ocean County criminal […]