Category: Defense Strategies

Criminal Law Attorneys Explore Unlawful Searches and Seizures in NJ We live in a society that prizes privacy and independence. From the source of United States law come guarantees of liberty, life, happiness, and by implication, privacy. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects people from unwarranted intrusions by the state or government. It protects […]

Although a prison sentence is sometimes considered necessary for individuals who have been charged with crimes, the reality is that spending time in prison often leads to recidivism, and a lot of people can benefit from a criminal justice system that emphasizes treatment and rehabilitation over punishment and incarceration. The Veterans Diversion Program (VDP) exists so that […]

Charged With Shoplifting, Can You Get It Dismissed? Shoplifting may not seem like a serious crime, but it definitely carries serious penalties if you are convicted or plead guilty to the charges. That’s because shoplifting is considered a theft offense in New Jersey, and prosecutors are often reluctant to offer favorable plea deals in these types of cases. Not […]

Criminal Defense Attorneys Explain Benefits and Options with Plea Negotiations for Ocean County Criminal Charges If you’ve been charged with a crime in New Jersey, having a qualified criminal defense lawyer to negotiate a plea deal on your behalf may be your best chance to avoid the most severe penalties and stay out of jail. […]

Police departments invest a tremendous amount of manpower and financial resources in aggressively enforcing the state’s strict drug laws. Prosecutors will likely take a similarly hard-line approach to filing and trying a case against you if you are arrested for drug charges in Ocean County or elsewhere in New Jersey. With that said, hiring an experienced NJ criminal […]

Many police departments have been relying on cameras mounted on the dashboards of their police cruisers, also known as police dash cams, in New Jersey for years. These devices can be used to document evidence of crimes, capture the physical appearance of suspects, record statements made by both the officer and the person, and generally […]

Criminal law differs from civil law and popular television legal dramas in at least one critical way: there aren’t supposed to be any surprises in a criminal trial. Prosecutors have an obligation under federal law to turn over all exculpatory evidence in their possession to the defense, and, under several New Jersey state rules, prosecutors […]

A prosecutor’s ability to prove several charges in New Jersey, including driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and being under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance, often depend on the accuracy of laboratory results. Issues that may arise with the accuracy of these lab results may provide you with a defense in your criminal […]