Category: Drug Crimes

Medical Laws

Police departments invest a tremendous amount of manpower and financial resources in aggressively enforcing the state’s strict drug laws. Prosecutors will likely take a similarly hard-line approach to filing and trying a case against you if you are arrested for drug charges in Ocean County or elsewhere in New Jersey. With that said, hiring an experienced NJ criminal […]

Medical marijuana background with cannabis buds & leaves framing

Edison Cannabis Oil Defense Lawyers While New Jersey lawmakers considered legalizing marijuana (also known as cannabis) for adult recreational use, those legislative efforts have stalled, and marijuana remains illegal throughout the state unless you have a valid medical prescription. Similarly, NJ law still prohibits any compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the marijuana […]

Drug bust word cloud

Need a New Brunswick Defense Lawyer for Charges from a Drug Raid Most people have seen photographs of videos of drug raids in the newspaper or on TV. They can be dramatic. Police may use a ram to bust open the door, order everyone in a building to the floor, and begin collecting evidence and […]

LIFE SENTENCE red stamp text

Have you ever heard the term “drug kingpin?” Under the law, a drug kingpin is any person who controls a network of others involved in the drug trade. Usually, a drug kingpin is only prosecuted after lengthy investigation and potential undercover work in their organization. Investigators and prosecutors usually try to “flip” people who become […]

Legal Marijuana Concept

As more and more states legalize or decriminalize the possession and use of marijuana, it can be easy to forget that some states, including New Jersey, still enforce laws that severely penalize marijuana offenses. Possession of marijuana is still prohibited by New Jersey’s general-purpose law banning the possession of all controlled dangerous substances without a […]

constructive possession

Almost all of us have friends or acquaintances who take recreational drugs like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, and ecstasy in some form or another. Say one of these friends offers you a ride home and they have a stash of drugs in their car. You get pulled over. The police find the drugs. Can you be charged and […]


New Jersey prohibits the possession, manufacture, and distribution of controlled dangerous substances. These substances include Schedule I drugs like heroin and methamphetamine, along with some illegally obtained prescription drugs like oxycontin. Drug charges are punished severely in the New Jersey. Fortunately, first-time drug offenders have several options that are not available to people who have been previously convicted of […]

A policeman with his police dog.

If police suspect you of drug dealing or distribution, or an officer has reason to believe there are drugs in your car, they may request a canine unit or “drug-sniffing” dog to come to the scene.   These dogs are trained to alert their handlers if they detect odors associated with certain controlled dangerous substances like […]

Drug laboratory: blue methamphetamine and money on table close up

The combined methamphetamine and opioid abuse crisis currently gripping New Jersey has taken hold in Lacey Towsnhip, resulting in numerous charges for drug possession, distribution, and intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance (CDS). Individuals can be charged with either disorderly persons offenses (similar to misdemeanors in other states) or indictable offenses (similar to felonies outside New […]


Drug possession charges in New Jersey can be serious, but they pale in comparison to drug possession with intent to distribute charges. If you have been charged with intent to sell CDS, it is important to understand the circumstances and types of evidence that can lead prosecutors to charge you not only with having a […]