Category: Drug Crimes

Police dogs, or K9 units, are sometimes called in to help police officers investigate drivers detained during traffic stops in New Jersey. These dogs are most famously trained to identify narcotics stored in a vehicle or in luggage and are sometimes referred to as “drug dogs.” The following is a brief look at when and […]

New Jersey drug charges become substantially more serious, and the penalties substantially harsher, if you are found with enough of a controlled dangerous substance for law enforcement to conclude that you possessed drugs with the intent to sell or distribute them to others. Even obtaining drugs to share among friends can expose you to this type of […]

A prosecutor’s ability to prove several charges in New Jersey, including driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and being under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance, often depend on the accuracy of laboratory results. Issues that may arise with the accuracy of these lab results may provide you with a defense in your criminal […]
In the late evening of Thursday, February 21 and into the early morning of Friday, February 22, police officers in Ocean County executed a raid on multiple residences expected to be involved in drug distribution. Specifically, the Seaside Heights Police Department executed a raid on four (4) houses and arrested seventeen (17) individuals on drugs possession […]

Thousands of people each year are arrested for drug offenses in New Jersey, and many of these arrests occur in Ocean County. The legal circumstances surrounding drug arrests can be complicated and unique, leaving you with many questions when facing drug charges. Here are answers to some of the most common questions we are asked as […]

What are the Possible Outcomes of a Third Degree Drug Charge in New Jersey? Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, a violation of NJSA 2C:35-10, is one of the most common criminal charges in Union County and New Jersey. Possession of drugs like meth, heroin, cocaine, and prescription drugs are generally charged as a third-degree indictable offense in New […]

Arrested for DUI on Heroin in Union County, NJ? New Jersey law makes it illegal to drive under the influence of not only alcohol, but drugs as well. You can be arrested for driving under the influence of meth, cocaine, marijuana, Xanax, and heroin—among other habit-forming drugs—if the drug renders you unable to drive as well as a […]

How Common Is Drug and Alcohol Use Among College Students? Consumption patterns and trends are not all that different between college students and non-students. However, if you are enrolled in a college or university, you also face additional penalties if you are caught using drugs or drinking underage in New Jersey. For example, if you are […]

Is it Illegal to Give Prescription Pills to Someone Else in NJ? The abuse of prescription drugs has become an epidemic all across the country and New Jersey law takes prescription drug offenses very seriously. To that end, it is illegal to share prescription medications that are prescribed to you with another person in New Jersey. It […]

Facing Drug Charges After Police Searched My Car in NJ New Jersey law treats drug offenses very seriously. If you have been arrested for drug possession involving marijuana, cocaine, prescription drugs, heroin, MDMA (molly/ecstasy), or any other controlled dangerous substance after the police searched your car, it is important to seek the advice and representation of an experienced New […]