Category: Drug Crimes

marijuana and keys

If you have been charged with a drug offense in Union County, New Jersey, you are facing many potential consequences if convicted—including losing your driver’s license. In New Jersey, if you are charged with possession or use of a controlled dangerous substance (CDS), the judge may revoke your license for a period of 6 months to 2 years. […]

east brunswick hilton

On Friday, the East Brunswick police announced they arrested a man and a woman who had been staying at the Hilton in East Brunswick, NJ, seizing 11 pounds of cocaine and 13 pounds of raw marijuana. The arrests were the result of an extensive investigation. The two suspects were charged with marijuana possession, cocaine possession, distribution of cocaine, and intent to […]

Marijuana Pipe, grinder and nug.

Why Was I Charged with Drug Possession for Having Paraphernalia in New Jersey? One of the most common and unexpected things that happens to people in New Jersey is being charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) after police find drug paraphernalia in your car or on your person. Many times, a routine traffic stop […]

metuchen police car

Arrests for drugs and weapons happen frequently in Metuchen, New Jersey, as the Metuchen Police Department aggressively investigates potential drug distribution in the Metuchen area. In a recent case, a local man was arrested for drug possession and distribution, as well as firearms offenses after police searched his home. The defendant in this case, 26-year-old Metuchen resident Sagar Bhalla, was under […]


Our New Jersey criminal attorneys recently defended a client who had been pulled over and arrested for third degree possession of a controlled dangerous substance after troopers found a suboxone pill. The whole thing started after a trooper pulled over our client’s car because his brake light was out. Once he approached the car however […]

The Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office recently conducted a coordinated Safety/Enforcement Initiative with local police departments, county officials, and the New Jersey State Police on County Route 539, the results of which were over 100 tickets issued for traffic violations and two arrests for drug possession. CR 539 is a two-lane highway that travels from southeast to northwest in […]

We recently defended a client who was charged with multiple indictable crimes including 2 counts of Forgery under 2C:21-1, Receiving Stolen Property under 2C:20-7, Possession of Prescription Drugs under 2C:35-10.5d and Identity Theft under 2C:21-7. The allegations were that she had used stolen prescription pad blanks and forged the doctor’s signature in order to obtain prescription drugs from a pharmacy […]


Our Union County marijuana lawyers recently defended a young man who was arrested for marijuana possession after school officials searched a locker which contained our client’s property and found marijuana inside. Our client was a high school student but was already 18 years old so he was charged as an adult. A conviction or even probation could have […]


Our drug defense attorneys recently handled a case for a client who had been charged with several distribution charges related to a large amount of marijuana that was seized by police during a search warrant raid of his house including second degree intent to distribute within 500 feet of public park, third degree distribution within […]

coke dollar

Our office recently defended a client who was pulled over on I-78 in Union County for speeding. A subsequent search of his car turned up several thousand in cash and dozens of illegal prescription drugs such as Xxycodone and Percocets that our client did have a valid prescription for. The charges were sent to Union […]