Category: DWI/DUI

In each of New Jersey’s 21 counties, the County Prosecutor serves as the county’s chief law enforcement officer and must take actions to protect citizens, enforce the laws, and serve the interests of justice. That means if you are arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in New Jersey, the County Prosecutor’s Office […]

Going to a DUI hearing in New Jersey is serious business. Presenting the best possible defense requires careful preparation by both you and your DUI defense attorney. One way you can help with your DUI defense is by ensuring you arrive in court on time and dressed in a manner that shows you respect the […]

Have you ever taken a quick nap in your car after a night out? It seems like a safer alternative to driving home after a few drinks. But here’s something you might not know: New Jersey courts have said prosecutors can charge you with DWI if the police find you sleeping in your car while […]

If you were pulled over or arrested for driving without a license, you likely have questions about what happens next. New Jersey legislators believe unlicensed drivers are a risk to the public and put everyone in danger. That is why police throughout our state are constantly on the lookout for people driving without a license […]

Did you know you can be charged with DUI the morning after drinking? It takes a long time for the body to process alcohol. Without enough downtime, you can still be over the legal limit the next day. Every year we represent multiple clients who get DWI charges after being pulled over in the morning […]

Unsafe lane change is a common occurrence on New Jersey roadways, sometimes leading to accidents between vehicles or single car crashes where a driver accidentally hits something when crossing between lanes. Even if they do not get in an accident, they can still be in trouble. A police officer can stop a driver for changing lanes without […]

For DUI offenses, New Jersey law formerly prohibited a judge from reducing a sentence until 2008 when the law changed. In 2008, however, case law introduced the “step down” rule for DWI offenses. What is the NJ 10-Year Step Down Rule? The rule’s effect is to lessen the severity of punishment when a ten-year interval […]

College students have a hard enough time when they are at school trying to study and navigate living on their own for the first time, so it’s to be expected that they will want to relax and “let loose” when they return home for winter break. But sometimes things can go terribly wrong, and the […]

The late fall and early winter months mean that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s are on the way, and it’s time for holiday celebrations. Unfortunately, this also means that police in Hoboken, Jersey City, and elsewhere in New Jersey are also getting ready to make arrests. The truth is that law enforcement sees a significant […]

During the Time Surrounding Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, Police in New Jersey Are on High Alert for Potential Drunk Drivers, Especially in Jersey Shore Towns. Drunk driving is a year-round focus for New Jersey law enforcement, but they tend to place an even greater emphasis on DWI arrests during the holidays, and specifically on […]