Category: DWI/DUI
Don’t drink and drive. Who hasn’t heard that? And yet, people do drive after having a drink or two or more. It may be a matter of poor judgment or the hope that you won’t get caught this time, but it’s also easy not to accurately gauge whether you are considered driving over the legal […]
If a DWI charge isn’t bad enough, things become substantially worse when you have been charged with a DUI involving an auto accident. Drunk driving is an extremely serious offense in New Jersey, and anyone who is convicted or who pleads guilty to DWI charges may be subject to harsh penalties that can include license suspension, other […]
Driving is something that we easily take for granted, as most people have a driver’s license and make use of it every day. However, the licensing commission that issues licenses, the Motor Vehicle Commission, can suspend or revoke a license for failing to obey the traffic rules and regulations. If you have 12 points on […]
Everyone has seemingly been stuck inside for over a year while waiting patiently for the COVID-19 pandemic to subside and for local cities like Hoboken and Jersey to completely lift their curfews and other restrictions. Well, the good news is that life is beginning to return to normal as more and more people get immunity […]
A DWI conviction in New Jersey results in a tremendous loss of time and money. Regardless of the risk, many drivers believe they are not intoxicated or not intoxicated enough to be dangerous on the road. Some may rationalize that they only had one or two drinks with dinner or spent enough time after their […]
Many factors can influence the results of field sobriety testing. In some cases, a knowledgeable DWI attorney can use these things to successfully challenge your dui case. If you are stopped by a law enforcement officer for a traffic infraction like improper turn or an incomplete stop at a stop sign, you can anticipate getting […]
If you’ve been charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in New Jersey, what you don’t know about a DWI could cost you in a major way. That’s because NJ DWI laws tend to be complicated and confusing, and there are a number of common fallacies about these types of offenses that can make it difficult […]
In Many DWI Cases, the Best Defense Argument Is to Contest the Legality of the Traffic Stop That Preceded the Drunk Driving Arrest. If the police officer did not have a legitimate reason for stopping your car in the first place, then any evidence of your intoxication obtained thereafter could be deemed inadmissible at trial. […]
A DWI is serious enough, and comes with such severe penalties, that you don’t want to have to worry about other consequences. But there are certain circumstances in which your DWI charge could carry enhanced penalties and lead to even more devastating outcomes, including criminal charges and the loss of custody of your children. That’s […]
When a motorist is suspected of drunk driving in New Jersey, law enforcement will typically ask them to submit to a test which measures the driver’s blood alcohol concentration, or BAC. Police use a driver’s BAC to determine whether the driver is intoxicated. A person’s BAC is measured in volume of alcohol per liter of blood. If […]