Category: DWI/DUI

lab supplies

A prosecutor’s ability to prove several charges in New Jersey, including driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and being under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance, often depend on the accuracy of laboratory results. Issues that may arise with the accuracy of these lab results may provide you with a defense in your criminal […]

Medical report and test containers to an analytical study

Have you been arrested and the police say they have a lab report? Do you understand what it means and how it can be used against you? Our experienced criminal defense lawyers can help explain and review your case to determine if there have been any irregularities or issues with the lab reports. Here is […]


Have you been charged with an offense such as a DUI and the prosecutor will not provide discovery no matter how many times you ask? Do you continue to miss work for court and nothing gets resolved? There is a solution. It’s called a Holup motion and our experienced DUI defense attorneys use it to […]

stacking coins

States throughout the U.S. offer compensation to crime victims and those who survive them, and New Jersey is no exception. The N.J. Crime Victim Compensation Program is administered by the state attorney general, and it pays out millions in compensation to crime victims every year. In 2017, the program paid out an estimated $8.3 million to victims […]

driving on drugs

New Jersey law makes it illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If police suspect that you are driving impaired by a drug, they have a series of steps that they will use to try to prove it. Knowing police procedure when dealing with people suspected of DUI is very important when […]

Doctor with RX prescription

Is it Illegal to Drive on Prescriptions in NJ? When most people hear the phrases “driving under the influence” or “driving while impaired,” they think of alcohol. Most New Jersey residents know that they should not drive with a .08 or more blood alcohol concentration. Others know that it’s also illegal to drive while under […]

person driving

Arrested for DUI on Heroin in Union County, NJ? New Jersey law makes it illegal to drive under the influence of not only alcohol, but drugs as well. You can be arrested for driving under the influence of meth, cocaine, marijuana, Xanax, and heroin—among other habit-forming drugs—if the drug renders you unable to drive as well as a […]

dui checkpoint

Top Things to Know about DUI Checkpoints in Union, New Jersey When you are heading home from a night out, wedding, party, or dinner, and you had a few drinks, the last thing you want to see are a line of orange caution cones and the flashing lights of multiple police cars signaling a DWI […]

child in carseat

Facing DUI with a Minor in the Car Charges in Middlesex County, NJ New Jersey has some of the most extensive, highly enforced, and harshly punished DWI laws in the country, and these laws are consistently upheld by police and prosecutors. Moreover, things can go from bad to worse for a person accused of driving […]

If you have been arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated in New Jersey, you are facing the possibility of having your license suspended, paying significant fines, and even serving time in jail. Additionally, the potential penalties for DWI increase with each subsequent offense. With so much on the line, it is crucial to hire a lawyer […]