Category: Expungements

Facing a background check can be a daunting experience, especially for people with a criminal record. The uncertainty of how far back these checks can reach can create a great deal of anxiety. You may have heard about the 7-year rule for background checks, but does New Jersey follow it? Our attorneys at William Proetta […]

Facing criminal charges in New Jersey can be a nightmare for any number of reasons, but once the initial shock of the initial arrest and arraignment has subsided, many people will be left with one looming question in particular: how will this affect my job? Below provides a brief look at the employment consequences of criminal charges […]

A new law dealing with criminal expungement in New Jersey took effect on October 1, 2018. “Expungement” is the removal of all records from a court file, correctional or detention facility file, or law enforcement agency file regarding your arrest, trial, conviction, or other disposition of your criminal offense. Many people who have suffered one […]

Following a conviction and even after an unsuccessful appeal, our Ocean County criminal defense firm receives many inquiries from new clients seeking information about how they can get the record expunged from their criminal background. If you meet the requirements, expungement allows you to have an arrest or conviction removed from your criminal record, so […]

In New Jersey, the ability to get a prior arrest, charge, or conviction expunged from your criminal records gives you the chance to really start a new life, so your past does not continue to cast a dark cloud over the person you have become. On October 1, 2018, a new expungement law will become effective […]