Category: Juvenile Offenses

College students have a hard enough time when they are at school trying to study and navigate living on their own for the first time, so it’s to be expected that they will want to relax and “let loose” when they return home for winter break. But sometimes things can go terribly wrong, and the […]

It’s generally understood that teenagers are more likely to make mistakes than adults. Whether it’s a pre-teen who just doesn’t know any better, or an older kid caving to peer pressure, just about every parent knows that feeling of finding out that their child has done something that they simply shouldn’t have done. When the […]

Lawyers that Defend Juvenile Clients Waived into Adult Court in Middlesex County, NJ New Jersey’s tough-on-crime laws punish adults to the degree their social breach warrants. The more heinous the crime, the worse the punishment. Thus, first degree crimes like murder, aggravated sexual assault, armed robbery, kidnapping, and other violent crimes, pertain to those considered most […]

Alcohol is as popular as ever in New Jersey, with more and more people drinking socially during “happy hours,” at night, and on weekends. But one beer from the fridge, or one glass of wine at the bar or restaurant, can quickly turn into several drinks, and soon the drinker may be cognitively impaired. This […]

Defense Lawyers Advising and Defending Minors and Young Adults Charged With Crimes and Traffic Offenses Throughout Ocean County, NJ Teenagers and young adults commonly come into adulthood with confusion that stems from having one foot in each world of childhood and adulthood. Many make mistakes in that transition of growing into adulthood. For example, many […]

The New Jersey legal system handles juvenile cases differently from how it handles adult criminal cases. Even the terminology applicable in each court system is different. Adults are convicted of crimes, while juveniles are “adjudicated delinquent.” Adults are arrested, whereas juveniles are “taken into custody.” If your child has a pending matter in New Jersey’s […]

Is a Juvenile Criminal Case the Same as an Adult Criminal Case? There are significant differences between a juvenile and adult criminal case in New Jersey. If you or your child has a pending juvenile criminal matter, it is important to understand some of the most striking differences between the two systems. If you are […]

Underage drinking is a tremendous problem throughout the United States, and New Jersey has not escaped the effects of this potentially deadly issue. As a young person or the parent of a teenager, it is important to understand the prevalence of underage drinking both nationally and in NJ, as well as the common charges linked […]
In New Jersey, many municipalities set a summer curfew for juveniles, prohibiting them from being out past a certain time without an adult. As you might expect, many municipalities at the Jersey Shore have enacted curfews to restrict minors from being out late at night. There are currently 10 municipalities in Ocean County with curfews that are strictly […]

In New Jersey, we are seeing more and more students charged with criminal offenses for alleged threats of violence. Sometimes, these incidents happen because of a post on social media. In other situations, a child says something to another student or writes something on a wall or in a notebook that others find. In a recent […]