Category: Restraining Orders

Has someone filed a restraining order against you in New Jersey? If so, you might feel overwhelmed, isolated, and like you have no control over the situation. Luckily, you don’t have to face this difficult time alone. An attorney with William Proetta Criminal Law can help you take steps to get the restraining order dropped, […]

In familial or intimate relationships, disagreements that become wars with neither side giving in, can lead to frustration and unfortunately, violence or related allegations. The courts may intervene when one party victimizes another by physical, emotional, or psychological violence and abuse. For example, a domestic violence victim in New Jersey may obtain a temporary restraining order from the local […]

A restraining order in New Jersey is meant to protect victims of domestic violence. If you need to obtain a restraining order in Union County, NJ, the experienced domestic violence attorneys at William Proetta Criminal Law are available to help you obtain protection quickly. Our skilled lawyers help clients obtain temporary and permanent restraining orders in Elizabeth, […]