The word “Sanctuary City” has been getting a lot of attention on TV and social media these days with the leaders of cities throughout the country saying they will not enforce laws that may affect undocumented immigrants. The situation has created quite a quandary that has garnished arguments from legal scholars on both sides of the aisle. However, lately this situation has been affecting residents in our area closer to home.
New Brunswick, which is home to Rutgers University, has been featured in the news as of late over a growing battle of whether it should or should not become a “sanctuary city” for the protection of illegal immigrants. Protesters, many of which are students, have been protesting on campus and in front of city hall in recent days based on the executive orders passed by President Trump and, what the protesters interpret as, push-back from the New Brunswick Mayor and administration who refuses to declare New Brunswick an official “sanctuary”. However, the mayor’s office has taken the stance that few New Jersey municipalities have been as welcoming to immigrants as New Brunswick. At this point it is unclear what will happen to New Brunswick in the future, but one thing is clear – if New Brunswick Police stop enforcing all local, state and federal immigration policies it could draw even more national attention to our county and, at the very least, create a slippery slope of what other laws they actually choose to enforce.