New Jersey drug charges become substantially more serious, and the penalties substantially harsher, if you are found with enough of a controlled dangerous substance for law enforcement to conclude that you possessed drugs with the intent to sell or distribute them to others. Even obtaining drugs to share among friends can expose you to this type of […]
Being arrested and charged with a marijuana offense can and still does happen in beach towns like Point Pleasant, Lavallete, Surf City, Beach Haven, and Seaside Park on a regular basis. You may have thought you couldn’t get in trouble for possession, selling, growing, or driving under the influence of weed in New Jersey, but […]
Evidence Against You for a Criminal Charge in Middlesex County New Jersey state and Federal Law require prosecutors to provide criminal defendants with certain documentary evidence, the names of potential witnesses, and other relevant information and physical evidence related to the criminal charges filed against those defendants as the criminal case winds its way through […]
If you have been arrested for a crime such as robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, unlawful possession of a weapon, heroin distribution, or another indictable offense, you may be wondering what happens next and if you have to plead guilty. After you have been arrested, the police may book you and release you within a short period of time or hold […]
Have a Court Date for a Criminal Charge in New Jersey? Here’s Why You Need to Appear Appearing for a court date can be a tremendous challenge. You may have to arrange transportation to a courthouse located some distance away from you. You may have to take time off work, arrange childcare, or wait in […]
If you been accused of a crime in New Jersey, police and prosecutors must follow a number of steps before they can arrest you, charge you with a crime, summon you to appear court, and/or eventually bring you to trial. These steps differ significantly based on whether a prosecutor brings criminal charges against you through […]
Whether to legalize recreational marijuana is a controversial topic in New Jersey. As the state government considers whether to permit recreational marijuana use and sale in the state, local governments and townships are simultaneously weighing whether to allow the manufacture, testing, cultivation of marijuana, or sale of weed in their communities. Recently, Brick Township decided this question, outlawing recreational marijuana […]
A Rutgers basketball player was recently accused of domestic violence in Piscataway, NJ. While each domestic violence case is unique to the people and circumstances involved, there are some fundamental factors that you should understand when involved in a domestic violence case in New Jersey. The following provides answers to some of the most commonly […]
Facing criminal charges in New Jersey can be a nightmare for any number of reasons, but once the initial shock of the initial arrest and arraignment has subsided, many people will be left with one looming question in particular: how will this affect my job? Below provides a brief look at the employment consequences of criminal charges […]
Have you or someone you know been arrested or received a summons or warrant and told you have to appear in municipal court to answer to the criminal matter? You need to know some things before you go to court in Toms River, Brick Township, Seaside Heights, Lacey Township, Manchester, Jackson, or another local municipal […]